Since the 1980’s substantial amount of exploration work has been completed at the Lara project with over 311 drill holes totalling more than 55,712 meters as well as 770 metres of pre-production underground access and drifting. The main resource, also known as the Coronation Trend was modeled using Datamine Studio as six discrete zones and consists of continuous pods of zinc and gold rich mineralization. The current resource estimate is based on the Coronation Trend, which includes the Coronation Zone, the Coronation Extension and the hanging wall deposit.
In 2008, Caracle Creek International Consulting completed a historic resource for Treasury Metals Inc. described in an Independent Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimation, Lara Polymetallic Property, April 2008 (Iain Kelso, H.B.Sc., P.Geo., and Stephen Wetherup, B.Sc., P.Geo., co-authors).